Single Parents

New here..

Well, I should start off by saying hello! This is going to be somewhat long. I apologize.

 I'm a new (single) mother to a beautiful 3 month old girl. She's the light of my life. Sadly, I thought her father was too. We were together for over a year. (Yes, I got pregnant fast. Oops!) Come to find out, he was married. Wonderful. Just the man I wanted... not. Well, he left me on November 8th after he admitted to his wife that he cheated on her. She chose to accept him, and this child, and take him back. Well, now he wants nothing to do with me. That's fine, I don't want to mess with a married man! However, I'd like to try to remain friends and be civil for my little girl. He refuses to talk to me, and he will only let his wife deal with all of the issues through me. He doesn't even want to be my friend. He changed his phone number, and won't even give it to me. At any rate, I knew that he had two other children, but he told me he was divorced. Well, he was only separated! I know he's an amazing father, which is why I want him to be in DD's life. He had his wife ask me if he could have her for 4 hours today (Christmas Eve). Well, I let that happen. When he and his wife picked her up, she is the one who sat in the back of the truck with her. (Awkward?) I tried to explain to them a few things. Such as how much she eats, when she last ate, etc. To which his wife replied "I have 2 children. I know the difference in the cries. I will know what she wants."  <--- Really lady? This is MY daughter, and all children are different! I should add, that when we were together, he explained to me a lot about his "ex" wife. Such as, she's a recovering drug addict. That makes me VERY nervous.

He didn't want to go through the court to handle any of this. And honestly, I didn't either. I don't have the money. But, now it seems like I really should. I just don't want to get screwed over. As of right now, he only expects to have her every other Saturday for a few hours. I really don't know what to do. I kind of want him to sign over parental rights, but I don't know what is best for my LO. In a way, I think he's only wanting to visit her out of spite to me. He's being very very mean.

 Any suggestions/opinions would be great. I'm sorry this is so long. I'm sure there is more information I could add, but I didn't want to bother you ladies too much. TIA.

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