Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Taking an hour or longer to feed? Anyone else?

My LO is 5 weeks old, and has a history of taking 1 1/2 - 2 hours or more to breastfeed.  His record is 6 hours!  Needless to say, I'm exhausted!  My lactation consultant recommended feeding him for no more than 30 min total combined from both breasts and supplementing with bottle if he is still hungry (which he always is).  Its certainly not a milk production or sucking issue, as we tested his consumption under a 20 min timed feed with the lactation consultant, and he had 3 oz. in 20 min.  I'm I just keeping him at my breast for too long, even when he acts hungry and isn't satisfied after an hour?  Could he be suckling for comfort instead of feeding?  I enjoy the bonding time with him, but this is too much!  Too bad I can't wear a sling and have him BF ob demand because of back pain issues.
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