Babies: 0 - 3 Months

3 weeks growth spurt ?

LO turned 3 weeks this past Wednesday. I think he is going thru his 3 weeks growth spurt. From birth he has woke up every three hours for a feeding. The past two days it is more like every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I give him 2oz formula and 1oz BM durning the day and 3 oz formula at night. After a feeding he is still acting like he's hungry and will not go back to sleep! I thought three oz every feeding was a lot for a three week old. ( my pedi told me it was fine) idk what to do. Should I give him more because he's going thru a growth spurt. I don't want to over feed him. I know this sounds stupid and he will eat if he's hungry and won't if he's not but I don't want to go to the doctors next week and get "what are you feeding this kids" . ( he was already up from him birth weight at his one week appt.
1064-1 bouncebounce Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since June 2009 BFP April 2010 .. miscarriage May 2011 BFP March 25th 2011 Ryan Michael was born 11/30/11 6lbs 0.4 oz 18 inches long!!!
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