Babies: 0 - 3 Months

AAARRRGGH! Go the eff to SLEEP!!!

I am SO tired of this.  It takes 3-4 hours to get DD to sleep.  Every.freaking.night.

It's getting worse & worse.  Once early afternoon comes, she's awake for hours & hours & hours, mostly crying.  I literally spend 10-12 hours of my day rocking, singing, swinging, and nursing for comfort.  The second you stop walking, rocking, etc., she's awake.  Then there's the nightmarishly behaved toddler under my feet.

2 weeks ago my sister thought it was a good idea to bring her sick infant to my house while my  mom was here watching my toddler so I could go to the dr.  Said toddler then, of course, got a nasty nasty cold & ensuing ear infection.  Now I've got swollen glands, a sore throat & my ears hurt.  How exactly is one to get better from a cold while only sleeping 2-3 hours a day & not able to take anything but orange juice??

I just spent 2 hours in my dark room trying to get DD to stay asleep.  Now DH is rocking her so I can breathe, and she's crying hysterically until I take her.

Really.  I don't wanna do this anymore.  Where is the fast-forward button???


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