2nd Trimester

Car wrecks & Pregnancy

I swear I am a target!  When I was pregnant with my first baby, I got into TWO car wrecks (neither were my fault). The 1st happened when I was 7 weeks pregnant with him & the 2nd at 21 weeks. I had to go to the hospital to be monitored with the 2nd car wreck cuz it was at a higher impact & I was contracting a little. (Baby ended up being perfectly fine!) 

I was rear-ended at a stop sign back in July (not pregnant) and it totaled my car. :(  And today I was on my way to my elective ultrasound to find out the gender of this baby (I am 16 weeks) and I was rear-ended AGAIN!! WTH?!!  I know baby is VERY cushioned in there, but it's still super nerve-wracking.  Anyone else been in a car wreck during pregnancy? 

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