2nd Trimester

feeling like an outcast (vent)

I love my lifestyle, husband and my friends but I'm having a really hard time lately. My husband and I run a hotel bar and restaurant in a small beach town in guatemala, and its an environment where alcohol and cigarettes are everywhere. All my friends smoke, thank god my husband quit two years ago. I'm in an environment where everyone smokes(clients, hotel guests, friends, acquaintances, I mean EVERYONE. So basically I just feel like I have to sit in my room alone to get away from it. Even just going out to dinner, I have to get up and walk away if someone is smoking at our table. I can't bartend anymore, and sometimes even just attending hotel guests who are smoking is hard. its just making me feel very lonely and its a different culture and I just need support. I'm doing the right thing by avoiding the smoke as much as possible. Its just so hard accepting how my life is changing, while my husband can continue his life as usual (he's great and as supportive as possible) Okay vent over. Sorry for one big paragraph I'm on my blackberry!
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