Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Advice?How to get stuff done if DD won't let me put her down

i am at a loss. while my mom was here visiting she reminds us not to hold little one all the time or she will not want to get put down. in the meantime, grandma couldn't help but cuddle her all day. now she is gone and i am the only one at home, i'd like to keep up with a couple things, or even eat a meal, but it seems so hard for me to put her down without her getting upset? 

 of course i am not going to let her cry it out! but what can i do to keep her happy for some "alone" time. really all i want to do is finish doing my x-mas gifts :( all i have to do is bag them and make a travel mud with photos for dh with pictures of our daughter... please help!!

Blake in BW 6 months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1RememberingMiloJuly1st2012
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