Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Those that have been cleared 6 wks PP-- Let's talk about sex frequency.

Do you have issues getting busy or having energy to get to it in the bedroom?

So, H and I have had sex ONCE since Abby was born. It wasn't the horrible experience I was expecting and my libido has returned thankfully. What is suffering is my energy levels and wanting some time to myself, I guess.

I get Abby to sleep and the house is basically put together after a whirlwind day. I have the thought to initiate sex but then when I get towards the bed I'm just beat. I'm talking joints aching, shoulders sore type situation. All I want to do is crawl into bed with H, snuggle and pass out. 

H hasn't said anything, but I can bet he would like to have more sex. I know that it probably would be best just to bite the bullet and get busy even though I'm exhausted and I know he is too. I read that this is common when kids enter the picture. We were a three times during the week couple even during pregnancy.

I guess I just have some wife guilt? I feel a little bit body aware, but I'm losing the baby weight very well. My stretchmarks and tire roll thing make me feel a little bit weird, but not necessarily undesirable. H still tells me I'm beautiful and that he wants to get to the practice sessions for #2. He has tried but I feel so bad shooting him down but the idea of sex just makes me feel so tired!

I have the dreaded "list of things" in my head too. I used to be so good at turning it all off and just getting busy. Should we schedule the sex? Doesn't sound sexy, but I have this theory that once I'm in the moment I will be fine, its just getting over the hump. 

Advice? H is NOT making me feel like I should be a sexbot, but I feel like it might help my energy levels. On the whole my H has been very very patient with the 6 week wait and all the other things. He helps me around the house without being asked and works a lot of overtime at his job so he can be around more to hang out with Abby. I feel for him because he is tired too and I don't want him to think I'm boycotting sex or anything.
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