2nd Trimester

Could this be a braxton hicks contraction?!

Hello all,

I have a question regarding some infrequent pain I have been having. I am 21 weeks pregnant and last night I started having this very sharp and sudden pain in my abdomen, right above my navel. It is much too high for where baby is, and does not feel like bad indigestion, though I had thought that's what it was at first. Rather, it feels more like a stabbing, twisting sort of pain, and for a little while it hurt to even move! My husband and i were in the store when it occured, so I sat for a while, but it only got better once I walked around and it hasn't returned since. I had heard BH contractions are supposed to be relatively painless, so I don't know if I am overreacting to a bad case of indigestion or what. I don't know what this is. I'd be so embarrassed to call my dr. about this and find out it's nothing more than bad pizza! So I am asking you ladies, when you had bh contractions, how did they feel and how soon did they start?? Is this a contraction, or not? If so, what can I do? Should I be worried?? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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