Single Parents

Custody/support questions

Hi, new here. I am thinking of leaving my husband for numerous reasons, I'll spare you all the details unles you have questions. Basically my concerns are custody. My LO is three months old, and I do not agree with his parenting. Since she was two weeks old he tells me to let her cry it out, he doesn't want me to hold her all the time, and he has shoved her at me once before. She screams and cries whenever he holds her. He does not ever take care of her so I can only imagine him being alone with her would be a nightmare. He also has history of minor abuse towards me but it is not documented. I would rather stay in my miserable situation where I can always be around when he is there with her than have him take her. That being said, What are the chances of him getting rights where he can take her without me? I EBF and she refuses a bottle, so how does that work? Also, I moved and quit my job to be with him, if I file for divorce do I need to seek employment or will I get spousal support? I am new to all of this so advice is appreciated. Also, I know he honestly doesn't care if he ever sees her or not but I'm sure he will try to get her just to upset me. I need advice.
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