2nd Trimester

Failed the 1hr glucose test

I am so upset. I just got a call from the nurse saying that I failed my 1hr glucose test. By a lot. My number was 180, and they don't like it over 130.
     I feel like such an idiot, I was very careful the day before the test not to eat a lot of carbs or sugar, only healthy foods. My test was at 3pm. I didn't have anything low carb for breakfast so I skipped it. By the time lunch came around I was STARVING. I ended up eating a Wendy's chili, value fry, and 5pc spicy nugget one hour before the test. I also had a diet Sprite, which although diet I still don't trust not to raise blood sugar readings.
     Now I have to go for the 3 hr test next week. I am almost phobic of needles. When I say almost I mean that I used to be phobic, but have managed to get myself to a point where I'm not hyperventilating before a blood test. I don't know how I'm going to get through this, let alone if I actually do have GD. I'm so upset. :-(
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