2nd Trimester

Friend from a long time ago is driving me bonkers...(long)

I don't know what to do. Here is a little of the back story. When my parents first moved us into this area (I was 9ish), I quickly made a friend by the name of Marie. Her and I became inseperable and we were best friends. Times what they were then, she moved away and we lost touch. Years later, and after very sporadic contact over the years, she came back to where I lived after having had her first child (now I'm around 19-20) and wanted me to be her baby's Godmother. I gladly said yes given how far we go back. Again, lost touch.

Fast forward up to last year (now 32) and she gets back into contact with me over facebook. Great! We can reconnect, share pictures, swap stories....just be friends. Well, she still thinks that we are Best Friends because she CONSTANTLY is sending me these "I love you, you are my BFF" text messages, bombards me whenever I get onto facebook, blows my phone up and leaves me messages saying "Hey this is your Best friend just calling you...." She even has her daughter (my god daughter) calling me her "mommy" Once they found out I was pg, my god daughter was running around the house screaming "My mommy is going to have a baby!" They pretty much invited themselves up to the hospital when we deliver.....I'm just a little weirded out by the whole thing. I'm not that 9yo person anymore. I've moved on and grown up. It isn't that I don't want to be her friend anymore, just that we really aren't super close as to be best friends anymore like that. Does that make sense? She has 4kids total, they just lost their house last year, she is a SAHM and they are a bit of an underpriviledged family, but I just can't take the constant "I love you, you are my best friend" stuff.

I don't mean to sound ungreatful to have such a devoted friend, but how do you explain to her that you just aren't that person anymore and that she needs to reign it in a little bit? I don't want to lose her as a friend, but at the same time I can't take it. Any advice?

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