2nd Trimester

For 2nd time mommies .. how easy was it to make mommy friends with your first?

Since I am in my mid thirties, and this is my first - all of my friends ( and I mean ALL of them) are childless .. and other than my out of state sisters I dont have ANY friends with children. This hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday after spending the day shopping with my BFF who has chosen to remain a childless couple.

Since I work a lot, and have maintained a few amazing friendships from my teens to my mid - thirties, this never really crossed my mind that I might actually need to branch out and make friends with other women who have children.

So .. my question .. is it hard to connect with other mom's? I already know that my good friends are not really interested in being a part of some of the life changes that will come with the baby ( play groups, mommy yoga etc etc).  

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