Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Curlingrocks ? for you

My DD was find latching in the hospital and then once home and when my milk came in did not BF again until 7 weeks.  I went back to work at 8 weeks and have pumping here full time and BF her at night. 

I was never really at full supply.  I have friends who can pump and get like 6 ozs out in one sitting.  I've always been lucky to get 3 ozs or more in the morning and averaged between 1.5 and 2 oz's the rest of the day.

I've noticed in the last week my supply is really dwindling.  I'm lucky to get .5 oz out if I pump every 3 hours after my 1st morning pump.  I don't feel full or the urge to pump at my 3 hour mark like I used to.  I consulted the LC nurse and she said sounds like my milk is drying up. 

We've been supplementing since the begining with formula.  At first a bottle a day then 2 not it is more like 4 formula bottles and 1 BM and than BF at night. Have you noticed anything like this.  I see your LO is 5 months and a mother of 2.  Sorry so long.  I'm hoping when we decide to have baby #2 I can go a full year.  DH wants me to stop stressing about it and let it phase out.  I'm at a loss as what I should do.

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