2nd Trimester

Repeating your a/s?

I had a less than wonderful experience at my anatomy scan on Monday... The tech acted like I was the only plus sized mom-too-be that she's ever worked with and was less than warm and fuzzy.  She took a total of 10 minutes and not a whole lot of poking of proding at baby to get it to move (stubborn baby is facing my spine!)... She said she couldn't tell the sex because of baby's position and "the amount of body mass inbetween the baby and the wand" (aka- my FUPA).  She said to try again in 4 weeks when the baby will be bigger.  I left feeling frustrated and down on myself.

Last night I get a voicemail from my Doctor saying she doesn't want to wait until 24 weeks to rescan AND she wants to send me to a different facility to get a better look at baby.  From what I've googled, the other facility is at the local hospital that specializes in women and babies and it looks like it will be a Level II u/s.  My doctor didn't seem concerned in her voicemail, just stating that we didn't get "that great of views"... but still, I can't help but worry ever so slightly.

Has this happened to anyone else?  I thought my doctor's office would have had good equipment (looks like it to me but what do I know!) but apparently not.  I'm just frustrated and nervous... Thanks for listening.

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