Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Nighttime and Eating Question?

LO has created his own routine. Since about 11/16, he'll wake up around 7 AM and stay up until around 11 AM. He feeds as soon as he wakes up, then again around 9:30 and a little bit right before 11. Then, he sleeps until about 2 PM, when he wakes up and eats. He eats again around 4, then again right before he goes back to sleep at about 5:30. He'll only sleep for about an hour then, and wants to eat as soon as he wakes up, then again at eight, and again at 9:30, when he falls back asleep.

I'm not worried he's not getting enough, really. I mean, he's gained excellent weight- already back up over his birth weight of 8 lbs 6 oz at 9 lbs 2 oz.

The thing is, he'll stay asleep until 3:30 AM unless I wake him up, then when he wakes up he wants to feed. But he'll only eat for about four or five minutes before he goes back to sleep and no amount of back-patting, bouncing, taking his clothes off/putting them back on, diaper changing, will get him back awake and eating. The same thing happens around 5:30.

So, question is- should I persist trying to keep him up and eating, or just let him sleep? My pediatrician told me waking him up to eat isn't needed at this point, since he's gained so much weight... I don't know. Am I just over-thinking it? I just can't help remembering the nurses at the hospitals telling me that he needs to eat every 2 to 3 hours.

**Note; He is breastfed, if that makes a difference?  Sorry this got so long... :/ Thanks in advance for any advice. 

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