Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Won't sleep in RNP!

Hi there,

Any advice on how to get a 3-week-old to sleep someplace other than in Mom or Dad's arms? He was doing great last week, now, all of sudden, he doesn't want to sleep anywhere unless he is being held. We will put him to sleep and then put him down (in a RNP in our room) and within 15 minutes he's awake and crying to be picked up. The last several nights, we have been taking turns sleeping with him in our rocking recliner. I have no problem holding him in all honesty (though, sometimes sleeping in bed would be nice). 

While I don't want to spoil him and make it impossible for him to sleep otherwise, but we have no idea how to get him to sleep in his RNP... and sleeping while holding him is the only way either DH and I are getting sleep.

Any advice on how to get him to sleep in his RNP? Or, is he just too young and we should just tough it out? I have no desire to co-sleep in our bed.

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Caleb Jonathan
Born November 30, 2011

The Winking of an Eye
A blog about the mommyhood, wifehood and lifehood of a misplaced Minnesotan in SoCal
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