Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When is this 'growths spurt'?

When does LO go thru his/her growths spurt? Does it just depend on the baby?

DD hasn't been gaining weight like she is supposed to--Dr said it could take up to 3wks for her to be back @her birth weight & not to worry about it too much.. (She was born @37wks weighing in at 7lbs, as of this past Monday she weighed 6lbs 7oz).... ---tonight, she ate more then usual.. 5oz within 2 HOURS!!! Thats A LOT-- & she didn't spit up ANY of it... Usually she drinks 2-3oz every 2-3hrs...

^^--- I wasn't sure if this is LO 'growth spurt' or what! WDYT?

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Aniston Elizabeth, born @37wks, 12-8-11.. 7lbs & 19in.. 100% PERFECT!
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the 3 faces of Aniston @ 6wks...
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