2nd Trimester

Anyone else unable to eat fruit?

So I had some wretched morning sickness up until a few weeks ago and now it's actually only in the mornings (not all day) but I ate an orange a few days ago and it gave me heartburn and upset my stomach so badly I vomited blood. I've tried it with different fruits and veggies and once I start eating the fruit I can feel that same heartburn/upset acid-y stomach coming. 

This is so frustrating because now that I can finally eat a decent meal, I feel like I can't eat anything healthy! I can do steamed broccoli but I just don't feel like I'm getting a good variety of nutrients being unable to eat whole raw foods.

Do I just need to cook everything a little bit to get rid of this reaction? Has anyone else had this problem/found a solution? 

Edit: it's not an aversion necessarily. I like the taste, but it's like the acid makes me physically ill afterwards. 

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