Babies: 0 - 3 Months

NBR-lump on neck

So I found this lump on my neck and went and had it checked out, dr said it was just a swollen lymph node but did run a complete blood count and thyroid test (via a blood test).  Then I was back at the Drs for my annual physcial he felt my thyroid (ps this is a different doc as I go to a practice with multiple docs) and thought I should have an ultrasound of it becuase it is swollen on one side (different from the lump) but as far as the lump he also agrees its just a lymph node.

My blood work all came back normal but I still cant help but be afraid of something like cancer! How likely is it that my blood work would all be normal but the swelling on my thyroid would be cancer or that the lump would be cancer? I am thinking pretty unlikely.  Any experiance with this or a swollen thyroid? THanks!

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