Upstate NY Babies

How many activities will/do your kids do?

Right now, Tyler does Karate twice a week, has a social worker at home once a week for an hour and goes to school 5 days a week.  Brianna just goes to school 2 days a week.  It actually seems like a lot when I am carting them around and scheduling, etc.  Like there isn't a ton of at home time. 

When I was sitting there during karate, the moms in front of me were talking, this one little girl who is 5 and in full day kindergarden, she does karate 2x/wk, dance 2x/wk, music class and swimming.  First, I don't know how she affords it all, karate is $125/month, but the amount of time running around and lack of just free play seems like a lot for a 5 yr old.  My nephew is 11 and is a swimmer, they train 6 days a week.  My sister had to hire him a driver because the practices didn't match up with her work schedule.  I couldn't imagine trying to do multiple activities like that.

So, how many activities are too many?  Where do you weigh in?

I would like to put Bri in dance or gymnastics but feel like we already lose a lot of family time with our current schedule.  When I was in middle school and high school I did multiple school activities and had jobs and I was NEVER home, it wasn't a big deal though because I didn't like being home with my mother and the activities I did were free.  But I want my kids home more, I want family dinners and game nights.  But I also want them well-rounded and not shut ins (DH's family were like shut-ins).  I need to find that middle ground.

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