Single Parents

Just introducing myself..

Well, I'm 27 (will be 28 next month) and finally got the nerve to leave my abusive (mentally) boyfriend. It actually got to the point where after two weeks of not being with him, that he started stalking me, and came to my work and caused a scene. That ended with having to call the cops and file a report. Come to find out, hes already been picked up a couple times for domestic assault (and spent time in jail) for hitting his ex wife. He has a felony for possesion of cocaine (also which I didn't know about,) apparently he was hiding alot from me.
Well it just dawned on me, that I will be doing everything by myself, and it hit me pretty hard. I know raising a child on my own will be hard, but I know it's possible. I'm concerned that he may try to fight for custody, and it would kill me if he was allowed near the baby. He smokes around his daughter (in the car and the house) and she has severe asthma. He also has a really bad temper and flies off the handle all of the time. He drinks alot, lives at home with his father (he is 40) and has no job or no car. I know the baby will have my last name, and have any of you been in this situation, did you put the father on the birth certificate? Child support isn't a concern, I would rather work my butt off then have him anywhere near the child. I don't want to come off as selfish either, trying to keep him out of mine and my childs life. I'm just really concerned for the babies well being.
Thank you for listening. I just wanted to introduce myself. TIA for any advice you may have.
My little pumpkin was born at 34weeks, weighing 3lbs, due to severe IUGR & Unexplained Placental Insufficiency. He spent 49 days in the NICU. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers imageimageimageimageimageimage
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