2nd Trimester

rant/vent about crazy girl who bought our house...(long)

Okay, so here's the background of this story- DH and I sold our 2 BR mobile home back in august to this guy and his wife... the girl is totally nuts. I mean completely. She would flip out at us over things during the whole process then act like our best friend two days later- seriously like she was our best friend whenever we didnt know her before this and we were just selling her our house. So- because it's a mobile home there was no "closing", we just had to transfer the title. The night we were supposed to transfer it, DH had to go out of town but had set it up that I would go meet them at like 6pm if that worked for them... so the ENTIRE DAY goes by and they never get back to me about 6pm so we figured they were busy and it wasnt going to happen that day- I even waited around until 630 to see what would happen... nothing. So, my mom and I went grocery shopping and this crazy girl texts me at like 7 saying can we meet now? I explained to her I was busy b/c they had never gotten back to me and again- she loses it on me and says that I'm irresponsible because I was supposed to meet them that night. I told her we could go tomorrow but I was grocery shopping with my mom and she just kept flipping out on me until finally i caved just so i would never have to deal with these people again. FINALLY, thought I was done...



Here we are, months later- taxes are due by the 31st and as part of the agreement we left $350 worth of propane at the house and they were responsible for the taxes. So now, ten days before taxes are due, she is texting DH saying that there is no way they are paying the taxes and she can't believe we waited until now to tell them that there are taxes due... UM, WHAT??????? that was part of the agreement that we started back in AUGUST. that they signed. and knew about. and it's my responsibility to tell them this? how does that work, exactly??


sorry I just feel like hormonally I have enough to deal with I don't need to put up with a crazy psycho b!@tch as well. Thank goodness DH is dealing with her...

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