2nd Trimester

Keeping baby names hush hush...

Okay so we are team green and although we have talked about names, we really don't want to tell anyone the names we are thinking of!!


I guess our main reason for not wanting to tell is that we feel like we are going to get unwanted opinions/criticism.  Also, I have a friend who had a name picked out from the beginning and throughout her whole pregnancy everyone was referring to her stomach as that name and then when her DD was born, she was just so sick of the name by that time that she ended up changing it!!  Also, I like the idea of waiting to see the baby to actually decide on the name.


So here is the deal--- I told a couple of my friends that we aren't telling names and they were like legit ANNOYED!!  From now on, we are just saying that we don't have any names to get people to leave us alone.... but what do you ladies think??  


Whether you know the sex of your baby or if you are going to keep it a surprise, are you telling people the names?? 

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