Single Parents

CS/wage garnishment - New ?s

I did call the state and got some answers. I am supposed to call bac today to get some more answers. Apparently all the company information that the state (and I) had is incorrect. Address is wrong, phone number is disconnected, etc. That's how the last phone call ended, with our case in a department that goes looking for Ex and his employer and ex getting a letter warning him about missing CS payments and what could happen to him.

I went looking for the company online myself and I tracked it down by name and city. The address and phone number listed on the website are slightly different from the address and phone number we have on record. All well and good right? No, it turns out that Ex is getting laid off on the 30th (not that I am overly surprised...) but he already has a job lined up with a former employer. I told ex to call the state and report it now. Should I go ahead and call today with the new information on the employer? And what do they do about his increased income (and I do know it will be significantly higher than what he gets now)? Do they automatically increase his CS payment which was calculated as a percentage of his income? Or does this need a new mediation/court appearance? What's the likelihood of the visitation changing if we go back to court/mediation (currently set at 1st,3rd,5th Saturdays from 8-5) ?

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