2nd Trimester

Feel bad for DH.. (long)

So, DH and I have been together since high school.... and I've seen his family problems go on and on. His mom and dad were on and off his entire childhood.. mom would leave, dad would swear he'd changed, mom would come back. It was an endless cycle and DH was an only child, so he was constantly in the middle being the mediator. 6 years ago, his mom died suddenly from an anuerism (sp?) at 39 years old. I was actually with him when he found her. 6 weeks later, dad remarries a woman he met online. He then decides to move to Arkansas from TN to live with his new wife (it's about 4 hours between places). DH decided to go live with his uncle (2 hours away) to finish high school. It was a long road for him and it took a lot of healing. His relationship with my FIL has never been the same again. Well, after our DD was born, FIL came to visit a lot, but everytime he came, he caused problems. Once he came and was supposed to bring his wife, but instead he brought another woman!! While he was still married!! Anyways, last year FIL got mad at us bc we made him leave our house bc him and SMIL were drunk and stumbling all over the place at like 1pm. He missed DH's bday, Christmas, and DD's bday. This year, he out of the blue moved back to TN and now he's mad again bc they were here in Oct and I spanked my daughter for kicking me and he threw a fit and left. We haven't heard from them since. DH has been really upset for days bc it's close to Christmas, we find out what we are having Dec 22, and DD's bday is Dec 31. He has called FIL and we sent him a letter.. with no reply. It is killing me bc he doesn't have his mom and his dad is being SUCH a butt!!! 
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