Upstate NY Babies

Coming up for air...

Hi girls!  I've had a couple of people ask in different posts how things were going so I figured I would give a quick update.  :)

Things are much better these days.  The first few days home were really hard.  Not because of the baby or DH, but because of my own brain and Liam.  He was really difficult.  Acted out constantly, was really grumpy, and just generally hated me and DH.  I felt awful, I cried A LOT.  I mean a lot.  The feeling of guilt when he would look at me with those sad eyes because he didn't understand was almost too much to bear.   I got some encouraging words from friends and family and it's slowly gotten better.  He loves his little sister, and we are falling into a routine.  Now that i'm more comfortable i'm able to carve out the mommy time that i know he has wanted.  (I could cry right now just writing this. haha!)

I've had help since I got home which has been great as well, but i'm looking forward to braving it alone.  I have to do it some time right?  I still feel like a hostess and that I need to please whomever is there helping me.  It was hard for me to just let go and except the help.

And once again I have to say i'm so glad that I joined the bump/this board.  My local girls have been awesome!  Bringing us food and just their general cheerfulness in this already hectic time of year has been so wonderful!  This afternoon i'm going to attempt some x-mas pics of my two kids.  I feel an epic fail coming up, but WTH, I'll give it a whirl! 


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