Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Wants to play in middle of night?

What do you do when your LO wakes in the middle of the night wanting to play? The little guy had a great sleep stretch (two nights in a row!) around 8-1. Then he woke up starving so I fed him and tried he rock him back to sleep. Well he wasn't having any of that. He fussed up a storm and was wide awake so after almost half an hour (yes, really) I just laid him in his crib in the dark. He's been alternating cooing/squawking in there for another half an hour. Did I do something wrong? How do you get them to realize it's not playtime?

I've followed the idea of minimizing stimulation (dark room, only a few whispers/shushes, etc) since he was two weeks old. Usually he goes back to sleep fine with a little rocking. It was a good long feed too, he's definitely not hungry now.

How annoying if I just have to wait for him to get tired just to rock him to sleep.

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