Single Parents

Talk to me about mediation...

XH and I are scheduled for mediation tomorrow afternoon and I am feeling less than optimistic that it will be

So far, he has told me that he refuses to pay me any kind of maintenance/alimony despite his income being 7 times mine. He has also stolen my engagement ring and a necklace that was a gift to me from MIL. (I was a fool and let him be at my house unsupervised watching my LOs when I had to work late)

Knowing all of this, I don't really even know why we are bothering with it at all. He has no intention of compromising on really anything. 

What have your experiences been? worth it or waste of time? 

The nestie formerly known as MrsV2005. I just realized I have no recent pictures of me or the kids! Guess I need to get the camera out!
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