Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Help? When to schedual, and how? FTM asking


i see alot of moms on this board, already have a schedual. but i also notice the little ones are a little older then my daughter. i'd like to know when i should start? and maybe get an idea on how to go about starting a realistic routine. right now, dd is going through a growth spurt, so i don't expect her to sleep long hours, but being a ftm, i'm not sure how to approach the schedual idea. i'm also breast feeding so i find her feedings vary in time...i don't expect a miracle, she is still just a new baby, but for the near future, what would you do?

thanks in advance 

Blake in BW 6 months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1RememberingMiloJuly1st2012
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