Upstate NY Babies

Need help! I'm desperate!

My dad, on a yearly basis, will hound me for ideas of what to get my mother for Christmas. Usually he gives me a few weeks, or he at least has an idea that he'll run by me. Yesterday, he sprang on me that he has no clue what to get her. Granted, he has probably gotten her everything imaginable already, so really, I'm at a loss. Any unique ideas? They're not really the go someplace for the weekend to sightsee type people (though I wish they would), and my mom is definitely not one  to spend time in a spa.

I'm lost! I need the creativeness of my Upstate Bumpies to guide me because he's going to call me back in a little while looking for ideas.

 I think this actually stresses me out more each year than anything else Tongue Tied

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