Single Parents

What happens when he's a no-show for visitation?

A couple weeks ago Ex decided that he wanted a longer visit on Christmas Eve so he told me he'd like to switch his visit on the 18th for a longer visit on the 24th.  For several reasons, that wasn't OK with me so I said no.  We argued back and forth but no resolution was ever reached.  He said he was going to contact his attorney.  I never heard anything further.

So yesterday he just never showed up for his visitation.  When he was a half hour late I e-mailed him to ask if he was coming to get DD.  He said no, and then told me what times would be acceptable for him to make up his missed visit.  My response was that not showing up without notice isn't acceptable and he wouldn't be getting a make-up visit.  What happens if your ex just doesn't show up without notice?  Do they get to reschedule?

He says he's calling his attorney again....

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