Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What do we do during awake time? So confused.

I'm having so many issues with my 4 week old... from reflux to milk supply issues... I just feel so lost.  I've pretty much just been changing her and then feeding her when she wakes up and then I swaddle her and put her back in bed.  I read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and I thought it said at this age they should only be awake for one hour at a time.  Well by the time I change and feed, it's more than an hour.  But then there's Baby Wise which a friend follows and apparently I'm supposed to ad an activity to awake time?  LO just woke up after a 10 min catnap and she's fussing in her crib.  I literally don't know what to do with my baby.  Was I supposed to play with her a bit before putting her down?  All of these different books and theories and friends' advice are messing with my head and I feel completely lost.
DD born 11/20/11
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