Upstate NY Babies

Nightmare Mode

Anyone else's kids just get overtired with all the holiday running around and act out?

Nightmare mode is how we describe Justin when he's having "one of those days". Last night he had one, of course at MILs. It was our 3rd Santa-type party in 24 hrs, my kids were exhausted but we couldn't skip GMIL's bday.

MIL ALWAYS compliments me on Justin's behavior. Always. She is constantly telling me SIL's kids "think they run the show", "get no discipline" etc... So you think she'd just butt out when my kid has 1 bad night there.

By dinner he was laying on their recliner almost asleep. Justin was crying at the drop of a hat, the kids were throwing stuff- he threw a toy car at his cousin and of course left a huge mark and she was hysterical. Then he bit his cousin (according to him she kept squishing him- he hasn't bit anyone since he was an infant so i felt awful). Of course I immediately pulled him into a time out in another room- just in time to hear MIL yelling at DH that J is "out of control tonight and you need to do something"... DH explained I was taking care of it... MIL said, "well I'd get in there and paddle his a$$"

Like I wasn't embarrassed enough my 3 yr old bit someone. I was so frustrated, I wanted to cry. J was sobbing. I was 2 seconds from just leaving but it would have crushed GMIL since she hired some guy to play Santa later at the party.

I want the kids to have fun, enjoy their holiday parties but next year I'm giving out waaaaay more "no thank yous".

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