2nd Trimester

Knee & Hip Pain out the wazoo

I am 22 weeks pregnant and for the past 3 weeks or so my knees and hips have been in so much pain. Throughout the day it's like a sharp grinding pain, mainly in knees. And then at night while I am trying to sleep I will wake up to my leg being locked up. It feels exactly like a foot cramp but my whole entire leg. I never know when it's gonna happen or what leg but when it does it's terrible. I've noticed each time it has happened that my knee has been bent for awhile. It only last a couple seconds to a minute or so but the pain knocks the wind out of me. Has anyone else experienced this? If it persists or gets worse I am definitely making an appointment with my doctor. I am only 23, I shouldn't look like an old lady when I walk down a flight of stairs lol
A moment in my tummy ... A lifetime in my heart

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