Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Constantly BF? Feels like she should be attached to the tit

anyone else experiencing this? some time she feeds for an hour to 2, i don't rush her, and she last 3 hrs. other times, it's like 45 min to an hour later, she's hungry again. i swear she has hollow legs! how does such a small girl eat so much.

my mom seems to think i'm crazy for trying to keep up, but i can admit,  it is getting a bit exhausting. no one tells you that ebf can take so much out of you. i''m trying to wrap my brain around how she eats so much, or why? growth spurt? milk supply? am i not producing enough? how come she is satisfied sometimes, and other times, not

should i try and suppliment a bit? what do you ladies think?  

Blake in BW 6 months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1RememberingMiloJuly1st2012
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