2nd Trimester

Ready to give up on being med free....

So I went off of antidepressants when we were TTC and really thought I could make it 9 months...  but at my wits end with being sad and gloomy about everything.  Through the first trimester I thought it was just the fact that I was nauseous 24/7 that I didn't feel like doing anything, but now I'm feeling fine physically, but just can't shake the low moods.  Feeling like I resent DH for not having to go through all of this and really not wanting things to get worse or continue into postpartum depression.

 The thing is, when I research depression during pregnancy they warn about the concerns with women who are depressed during pregnancy tend to not eat well, sleep well, self-medicate with drugs/alcohol, or they think about harming themselves.  I'm not having trouble with any of those... so I feel like since it's not to THAT point that I should be able to buck up and ride it out. 

Anyone else attempting to stay med free throughout the 9 months?  How are you coping? 

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