Babies: 0 - 3 Months

AF and Breastfeeding

Hi Gals - 

Just wondering if anyone has had their AF show up while still breastfeeding?  My lil one is 7 1/2 weeks.  My supply has dropped dramatically but I've been power pumping in between feedings to try and get it back up.  Today, I noticed spotting and think my first AF is coming since her birth.  Anyone else had this happen and still successfully breastfeed? 

Married 5/2002 TTC #1 since 3/2010 Male Factor Infertility (low motility) 1/31/11 - starting first IVF cycle w/ ICSI 2/18/11 - started follistim and menopur 3/2/11 - ER (31 eggs, 23 fertilized, 4 frozen, 1 ET) 3/7/11 - Transfered 1 embie....fingers crossed. 3/16/11 - BETA #1 - 102!!! BFP, 3/18/11 - BETA #2 - 235!! 10/26/2011 - Our little girl arrived Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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