2nd Trimester

anyone else not sure about sex of baby at U/S?

Here is the disclaimer for this post: I have no gender disappointment whatsoever, even if we "change teams" I will not be disappointed. I also worry more about a healthy baby than a correct sex guess (of course!) but I still have concerns about announcing the wrong gender.

I have a daughter who turns 6 next week, and I got great U/S pics with her. They were super clear and we got a very obvious shot of her little lady bits with the 3 lines. 

This pregnancy I have been incredibly disappointed by the U/S pictures and the tech overall. None of our pictures are particularly clear or of anything particular. She showed us the legs slightly spread with nothing in the pic (so no obvious penis) but I never saw the 3 lines. We also got a picture that I swear looks like it could be testicles (I think I remember reading somewhere that lady parts in utero can be swollen, but still...)

We are planning to announce to my daughter and our parents on Christmas what we're having since they're all coming to our house for Christmas dinner and part of me is apprehensive about it because we are so unsure.

We are planning to schedule an elective ultrasound to be sure, so it really is a non issue but I guess my vent is more being totally disappointed by both of our experiences with the U/S tech at my midwife's office.

WDE!!! Pictures, Images and Photos Auburn Pictures, Images and Photos Lilypie First Birthday tickers
DD1- 12/26/05 DD2- 4/12/12
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