Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Establishing a night routine?

DH and I need to start a night routine since I'll be going back to work Jan. 3. He's mostly concerned about the baby and us sleeping well. He wants to either start putting rice cereal in baby's bottle or give a bottle of formula before she goes to sleep for the night (This from basically only talking to both his & my mom). I'm breastfeeding so I know I'll still have to get up to feed her, but I think he's under the impression that doing one of these will put her out for a decent amount of time. 

He's been frustrating me b/c it seems like he's stuck on these 2 options, and he's getting mad at me b/c I want to see about other things we can do. I think she's too young at 6 wks to get rice cereal in her bottle (also bulking her up unnecessarily and for fear she might choke on it). I'm not against the formula, I just want to get more advice!

So, any help or suggestions on a nighttime routine? We both get home at 5 from work; so what might a typical night be? I know it will have to be fluid; but like should I come home and pump/or feed, play, have dinner, chill (ha!), give bottle and go to sleep? Thanks for any help!

[sorry about post and run, early family Christmas party today]
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