Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stop the Madness

Help friends!

So last week, LO was doing great at night. Nursing/going down between 10/11, sleeping until 1/2, going right back down after nursing, sleeping until 4:30/5. It was amazing.

Now, this week, he feeds at 10/11 screams/fusses for at least an hour, wakes up every teo hours to nurse and thn after nursing will only lets me put him in his RNP if he is totally asleep - otherwise he stirs and starts fusssing again 

He's also started to fuss/scream for much of the day if he isn;t sleeping.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I would love to get him sleeping like last week so I can get sleep again!! Thought?


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Caleb Jonathan
Born November 30, 2011

The Winking of an Eye
A blog about the mommyhood, wifehood and lifehood of a misplaced Minnesotan in SoCal
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