2nd Trimester


So DH and I are visiting his family in Maryland for the holidays. Today we were at a family gathering and my MIL just matter of factly stated that DH and I would be there next year with our twins. Ummm...no we won't!! DH and I live in Georgia and there is no way I am taking my infants on a 12 hour road trip and keeping them away from home on their first Christmas! I politely explained that we would not be traveling next holiday season and then someone else chimed in..."well you can come for Thanksgiving then!!" seriously!? I just said "we'll see." Maybe I am just being sensitive but I came from a broken home and I was shuffled around every Christmas. I hated it and I don't want to do that to my kids. I am happy to visit summers or whatever and they are welcome to come visit us for holidays (they are both in good health and travel a lot) but I will not be shuffling my kids around during the holidays. Thoughts??
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