2nd Trimester

Finding out Gender and MIL (vent)

So the big question FI and I were asked from day one is "you're not going to find out what you're having are you?!" ... All because FI's SIL didn't find out with her first, and isn't finding out again with her 2nd... And HER sister isn't finding out... Automatically makes me a horrible person for wanting to know.... "don't you want to be surprised" she always asks me?! Of course, I will be just as surprised at week 20 as I would be at week 40, except I will get to remember the moment and plan for everything ahead... I don't disagree  with team green at all, I just don't ave the willpower, it would drive me nuts. FI thinks it would be cool to be team green but knows I am too much of a planner to wait. So the guilt trip from my inlaws is intense. (did I mention we are living with them?! Mostly bc of major issues with our recently bought condo!) 

I have been trying to think of a way to appease her on the fact that on December 27 I will be finding out the sex of the baby... I mentioned to her the idea of a gender reveal came, to have my family and his all together and we would announce together for everyone. She has immediately spun this into me and FI not finding out at all during the ultrasound to keep it a secret until we are all together, therefore the u/s tech would put it in an envelope and we would take it to the bakery... I was only suggesting the idea of a gender reveal cake as a fun way for them to find out since she's been guilting me so bad about wanting to know.. I still wanted FI and I to find out on our own at the u/s so we could share the moment together... But now she's insisting we don't and has even mentioned coming to the appointment to make sure we don't!!! Help!!! Idk what to do I think my plan of good intention spawned a monster :(

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