Upstate NY Babies

Update-itchy skin, 34wks

If you're on FB, you probably saw that at my last appt 2wks ago, baby was breech. Today the doc said she thinks baby is head down-but we will confirm it at my next appt (2 more wks) with an U/S.

 I also told her about my has gotten really, really bad. To the point I've woken up once an hour to scratch. I've tried everything-at least 4 moisturizers, steroid creams, antihistamines, oatmeal relief at all. I'm covered in bruises from scratching myself so much. She said its definitely not PUPPS and sent me for bloodwork today to check out my liver. She said if it comes back normal, it's not pregnancy related. I should hopefully hear from them early next week on the results....hopefully its not a huge deal.

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