Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Switching to formula..

So today I officially decided to give up breastfeeding and feed my baby formula. I have cried and cried and have tried absolutely everything to breastfeed my baby and it is absolutely not working out for us. Every feeding winds up with both of us crying and I am done. I also have mastitis in BOTH BREASTS for the second time! I want whats best for her, but this whole ordeal is making me half the mother I should be to her.

So to the point of this post, for those of you who have gone through this how did you go about doing it? I have a few days of breastmilk stored in the freezer and I don't know if I should slowly transition her or abruptly switch to formula. I also need tips on getting my milk to dry up. She is already used to a bottle because I have pumped mostly due to latch issues. Any tips are appreciated.

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