Single Parents

New here...

Hi, I don't know where to start but with my husband and I decided to finally get a divorce... We currently live in NJ in my parents house because he "hated" living on base (He's military and out in March). The plan was to save money.. but that hasn't happened considering he doesn't believe in joint accounts so I have no idea what he does with his money. Except he always complains hes broke... When my son was about 1 month old he started with drugs again (he was bad in hs apparently). Then when my son was 6 months I found out that practically everything I thought I knew about him was a big old lie. And his family knew and never said anything to me. So the man I thought I married is not at all that man. My son is now 9 months old and my soon to be ex got a DUI and lost his license for 7 months... That was my final straw. I tried to stay in this for my son but my father is an alcholic and I refuse to be married to a man who will be anything like him. Its not the life I want for my child... Fast forward to my soon to be ex is talking about moving back to GA in March, which is where is family is and where he grew up. Thats fine.. but I don't know what to expect out of custody issues. I don't want to necessarily keep him away from our son because he is good with him when he wants to be. However, I am NOT ok with him taking my son to GA. Ugh I'm just so confused.... Sorry for my rant. Thanks for listening ladies! Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated!

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