Upstate NY Babies

Gift idea to spill the beans

I am not sure what to do, I had ordered my dad a case (5 barrels) of his favorite pretzels for Christmas. They used to sell them at BJs and no longer carry them anywhere.

I then got the idea to give him a deer, one of the light up ones for the yard. He has one for each grandchild in the back yard, so 3 so far....I thought if he opened another deer it might take him a minute but he should get it. He would open it in front of everyone too....makes me wonder who would get it first!

I could either have the deer be for both he and step mom, and then have R give the pretzels and a gift to grandma. I could also wait until mid Jan and give the pretzels to him then, but he loves them and would enjoy a barrel now! lol



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