Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Would a diaper rash cause nonstop crying?

We've been dealing with reflux issues & a VERY fussy/crying baby since the first week.  She's been on 2 different reflux meds & I've cut out dairy already.  The past few days, though, she has been crying non-stop...not just screaming episodes, but like 6 hours straight of no sleeping & only crying, inconsolable.

I had to take her to the pedi yesterday because the diaper rash she had was getting worse & worse & it was so raw yesterday that it was even bleeding a little.  Pedi said it was a yeast diaper rash.  She gave us nystatin cream & I'm hoping it will be better soon.

I'm starting to wonder if the diaper rash was what all the crying was about.  Could it be?

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