2nd Trimester

What to do about smoking parents!

HELP!  As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I quit smoking. I'm 27 weeks pregnant now, and can't stand to go to my parents house because my sister and my mom smoke like chimneys in the house and I can't stand it. 

I tried to compromise on Thanksgiving by saying just smoke in one room and I'll stay out of that room, but then I wasn't included in any conversations outside of when we ate dinner.  At 32 years old I felt like the 5 year old who couldn't play with the adults because everyone was in the other room smoking, chatting, and laughing.  I was pretty bummed and really hurt.

I was also annoyed because when I left, I realized that even though they only smoked in one of the 4 rooms,... my hair, clothes, skin, etc STUNK like smoke.  Thus, deductive reasoning suggests I had been inhaling second hand smoke all day at 24 weeks pregnant.  I was devastated.  For the next few days my nose wouldn't stop running, and I had a cough. 

Christmas will be here shortly, and I don't know how to approach the subject to ask them to smoke outside at my moms house.  Is that even a reasonable request?  PLEASE help me with your thoughts and how I should go about breathing clean air!!! 

Thanks! TMC

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