2nd Trimester

Kidney stones..TMI?

Kidney stones hurt.. On Monday I went into the ER thinking I was dehydrated. I was puking a lot, had some pain in my sides, had a headache/dizziness. They found out I had a UTI and gave me a bag of fluids then sent me home. I took some Tylenol when I got home and went to bed. Around midnight I woke up with a horrible pain on my left side. Tried taking more Tylenol and took a shower. The pain was still unbearable. It felt like I was in labor again. I was crying and begged my husband to take me to the hospital. We got there at 2 am and they loaded me up on pain meds (thank god) although they only took the edge off the pain and didn't completely take care of it. I got admitted to the hospital when they discovered the kidney stone because they couldn't get my pain under control and I couldn't drink or eat anything. I'm the type of person that pukes when I'm in pain and Zofran didn't really help with that.

I passed the stone yesterday. My nurses were quite surprised when I told them that it just fell out. Usually they come out when you pee. I was dry heaving and when I sat back I just felt something in my underwear. Reached in and pulled the stone out. The nurses and doctor kept laughing about it. 

Anyways, I'm still in some pain but it's slowly getting better. I'm a big wimp with a super low pain tolerance though. Thank god for Percocet. lol

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